Tuesday, 31 May 2011

UV Lasers/Ultraviolet Lasers (violet laser )

UV Lasers/Ultraviolet Lasers (violet laser )

A violet laser has a wavelength bordering those of ultra-violet. Because the definition of ultra-violet is not clearly established, some people might call this a violet laser while others call it an ultra-violet laser.Actually,the wavelengths of violet light is 405nm. Yet other people call then Blu-ray lasers or HD-DVD lasers depending on the source and/or optical output of the diode. Usually a HD-DVD diode is incorrectly called a Blu-ray diode because it has became a commonly accepted term for the diodes of this color.
Ultraviolet laser products have many usage in scientific research, manufacturing, biotechnology and medical area. As we all know, the wavelength of Ultraviolet has characters of sterilization and disinfectant as lasers in the UV range have very destructive capabilities. The technology used in emitting Ultraviolet laser in laser pointers is very like micro-machining applications which often used in the manufacturing of printed circuit boards and consumer electronics.
Except the usage we talked at previous paragraph , UV lasers are also be used at OEM applications and other projects that require micro-precision machining. For example, in cosmetic dentistry UV lasers mainly used to facilitate chemical bonding and bleaching of organic enamels and other procedures. And also UV lasers are capable of performing experiments in atomic and molecular spectroscopy and chemical dynamics. Wavelengths emitted by UV lasers is shorter than blue lasers. So it's capable of producing 20 times as dense as the current Blu-ray lasers. In Japan, computer hardware manufacturers put UV lasers and ultraviolet diode emitters into computer data storage disk technology to increasing data storage capabilities drastically.
Now human beings spread Ultraviolet laser technology to a new generation of application in nanotechnology, material sciences, biology, chemistry, plasma physics and a myriad of other usages. Therefore, UV lasers become more and more important in humanal improvement.


  1. 3d bioprinting = Immortality = go to stars ((typewrite: interstellar travel constant acceleration))

  2. (1)...space-elevator (orbital station ramp: fresh air)... RENOVATOR AIR UNIT: Powerful-Compressør³ continuously extracting the air Only from bathrooms, air passes condenser metallic grid which has a cold extreme ship´s wall through at outer space, water drops distilled go out centrifuged → compressed dirty air through anti-return retention´s ÷valve goes to 2 ©Deposits at outer space...besides punctually reinforcing, when sensor detects presence into bathroom connects extractor ~Ventilator of Pressure (220 v.ac/50 W) that carries the dirty air, already without water, to a graphene´s inflatable ºBalloon at outer space, another Compressør² extracts the air of the ºBalloon and injects it compressed through another anti-return retention´s ÷valve to circuit of the ©Deposits which have the dirty air already liquid at cryogenic temperature → #DISTILLER Linde mini → N and O2 (someday will be obtained also Oxygen from...CO2 + UV laser → C + O2), the dirty remains that can´t be used is thrown to space...the 2 ©Deposits alternatively working, one closed exit mode distilling, another open exit mode throwing; both have at entrance a solenoid┴valve, and exit´s hinged door slightly open/close with 1 motorized gyratory screw outside the ©Deposit) → █Tank Reservoir Air Liquid that receives, if it is necessary, also O2 from ■Tank reservoir O2 liquid... From █Tank Reservoir Air Liquid (N+O2) arrives more/less new air for maintaining the ambient pressure: »»» breeze of clean fresh air 1 bar »»»░... Finally shall smell to roses in a Spacecraft.

  3. ...interstellar travel not acceleration constant (laser)... L=2*3.14*r... that beam of a laser pointer that turns 180º, from horizon to horizon, in 1 second and 4 imaginary semicircular screens located, for example, to the distances from Earth... 1: 95493 kms... 2: Moon (384403 kms)... 3: Sun (150 Million kms, 1.5*10^8)... 4: Andromeda (2 million light years...19 Trillion kms, 1.9*10^19, Universal Large Scale: 1 billion=1 million of millions, 10¹²)... The mark of laser pointer to reach, would move alongside each screen to an angular speed of 180º/second and a linear speed, based on the light, of...(3.14*r)/c... km 95493= 1c... Moon= 4c... Sun= 1570c... Andromeda galaxy= 198 Billion*c, (1.98*10^14)*c... If turn laser pointer to the right, why is going to bend each laser beam to the left, not to exceed c, from km 95493, radius "frontier" in which the speed of laser mark on the screen = c ?... Decreasing magnitudes have a close limit, but growing...have an "infinite" limit to our knowledge, understood here as "infinite", al least, an exorbitant figure... as with the TEMPERATURE (-273 ºC → "infinite")... MATTER (quark → "infinite")... TIME (0 → "infinite")... SPACE (0 → "infinite")... why it would be SPEED different?...(0 kms/sec → "infinite")...

  4. ...interstellar travel constant acceleration (no coronavirus)... virus installs into smell sense cells of the nose high part... Perhaps... in gout-counts flask pour: 1 thin jet "Povidona iodada" (iodine) "Betdine Solución Dérmica" + very weak mineralization Water from the ºBottle till fill the flask, final color such as red wine (have prepared apart water ºBottle 2 liters pour it 3 spoonful of Salt and 1 spoonful of Soda Bicarbonate). 1 TIME DAY POUR-SELF 4 GOUT-COUNTS INTO EACH NASAL FOSSE. Experience 20 years ago without secondary effects.

  5. ...viaje interestelar aceleración constante (coches eléctricos: farolas calle cargante)... Factorías de coches: ya es inadmisible diseñar como innovación nuevos sucios coches de combustión, hay que hacer y comprar Limpios Coches Eléctricos y Energía Solar... Fórmula-1 Solo de Coches Eléctricos ya y BATERÍAS DE GRAFENO que para 1000 km dan.

  6. ...interstellar travel constant acceleration (coronavirus: influenza vaccine?)... they say that influenza vaccine diminishes the effects and gravity of COVID-19... so, "while arrives its specific vaccine": EVERYBODYVACCINATIONINFLUENZA (WHO)... ((El Sistema Inmunológico reacciona a la vacuna gripe creando Anticuerpos que dañarán parcialmente el covid19 cuando llegue. Sin vacuna gripe, el coronavirus ataca a sus anchas y el sistema inmunológico puede reaccionar de forma desproporcionada produciendo Gran Inflamación que es lo que mata, por ello tratan con inmunosupresores para evitar en lo posible esa inflamación mortal. Con los Anticuerpos (the dogs) producidos en respuesta a la vacuna gripe el coronavirus (the tiger) atacado y algo debilitado no produce tanta reacción inflamatoria mortal... so, "while arrives its specific vaccine covid19": MASSIVE VACCINATION AGAINST FLU ALREADY (WHO)). Yo me la pongo.
