Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Class IIIb Lasers

Class IIIb Lasers

Lasers in this class may cause damage if the beam enters the eye directly. This generally applies to lasers powered from 5–500 mW. Lasers in this category can cause permanent eye damage with exposures of 1/100th of a second or less depending on the strength of the laser. A diffuse reflection is generally not hazardous but specular reflections can be just as dangerous as direct exposures. Protective eyewear is recommended when direct beam viewing of Class IIIb lasers may occur. Lasers at the high power end of this class may also present a fire hazard and can lightly burn skin.
The world best performing, highest quality, smallest platform laser package Class IIIb OEM laser modules can only be found at WarnLaser. WarnLaser has been making the world glow since 2006 and since then we have hit the ground running with exceptional laser sales and service of one of the worlds leading laser products, second to none for its size and class.
WarnLaser makes perfect device for laser hobbyistsenthusiasts, frequent users, Optical Professionals, IT Professionals - PC Shop that require fiber optical maintenance tools, will appreciate the additional power to find fiber interruptions and line breaks in fiber optic technologies with lasers. Military professionals prefer a Warn Laser of the typical laser dazzlers for its sheer power and performance in a size that emulate an executive size ball point pen case. Coming in at just 013mm x 143mm, WarnLaser are the mighty mite in portable Class IIIb laser products.
For over two years, we have earned the confidence of our valued laser customers by providing professional assistance on all of our OEM laser systems. If you are looking for the true Class IIIb laser performance in the smallest package available then look no further. WarnLaser offers the same professional high quality laser products and service to our Internet customers. Guaranteed!
Our laser company offers only the finest lasers available at deeply discounted pricing. We pride ourselves in meeting your high standards for quality products, accurate descriptions, fast reliable shipping and exceptional customer service. We utilize secured socked layering to protect you laser purchases. Browse through our laser site and order with confidence knowing that your information will be safe and secure.http://www.lucklaser.com

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